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Sweet Loaf Breads

Banana Nut

We peel and smash bananas everyday in this moist and flavorful classic. It can be had with or without walnuts.


The best of both worlds—rich chocolate batter swirled in a vanilla-based bread.

Pumpkin w/Cream Cheese Swirl

This bread has lots of pumpkin flavor coupled with a silky cream cheese filling swirled throughout.


This bread is saturated with the fresh taste of lemon and finished with a citrus-infused simple syrup.


Freshly grated zucchini is baked into this hearty bread that’s complimented by crunchy walnuts and spiced cinnamon.

Gingerbread w/Cream Cheese Icing (Seasonal)

Made with fresh ginger pulp, this zesty holiday favorite is topped with a citrus cream cheese frosting with candied ginger sprinkled on top.

Reduced-Fat Banana Chocolate Cherry

This bread does not taste like it has less fat—but it does. The abundant banana flavor compliments the cherry and chocolate chunks spread through the loaf.