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Bread & Bagels


Our take on the traditional baguette. 

Sliced White Loaf

Our traditional white loaf bread comes in 14 slices. 

Whole Wheat Loaf 

Our wheat loaf bread comes in 14 slices. 

Sourdough Loaf

A San Francisco staple- our sourdough loaf comes in 14 slices. 

Brioche- Small & Large


Rustic Ciabatta


Our delicious ciabatta made into a 32 oz loaf, perfect for any sandwich.

Rustic Whole Wheat


A crusty 32 oz loaf of wheat bread ready to slice for a variety of  delicious sandwiches.

Rustic Sourdough


 Slight tang from the sourdough makes this 32 oz loaf perfect for everything from sandwiches to garlic toast.

2oz French, Whole Wheat, & Sourdough Rolls


Mini versions of our traditional tasty rolls!